The path of

Agia Irini to Omalos

Information about the hike

The hike from Agia Irini to Omalos, is a blend of rugged beauty and serene landscapes, is a testament to Crete’s diverse terrain.


Starting from the village of Agia Irini, named after the charming Byzantine church at its heart, hikers embark on a path that weaves through the famous Agia Irini Gorge. This gorge, lesser known than the renowned Samaria Gorge, is a hidden gem offering a more tranquil experience. The trail, approximately 7.5 kilometers long, is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The path is lined with a variety of endemic flora, including aromatic herbs and towering plane trees, offering a sensory feast.


As you navigate through the gorge, the melody of flowing streams and bird songs accompany you, enhancing the sense of immersion in nature. The gorge’s walls, soaring up to 500 meters in some places, create a dramatic backdrop. The varying terrain, from rocky passages to gentle slopes, caters to all levels of hikers.


Emerging from the Agia Irini Gorge, the landscape opens up to the expansive plateau of Omalos. Sitting at an altitude of 1,080 meters, Omalos is a breathtaking sight. The plateau is surrounded by the White Mountains (Lefka Ori), with Pachnes, its highest peak, standing proudly in the backdrop. This area is rich in history, having been a place of refuge and resistance during various periods of Crete’s turbulent past.


In Omalos, hikers can explore the local culture by visiting the small war museum or sampling traditional Cretan cuisine at a local taverna. The plateau also serves as a gateway to other hiking trails, including the entrance to the famous Samaria Gorge.


This hike from Agia Irini to Omalos is more than a physical journey; it’s a passage through time, offering insights into Crete’s natural and cultural heritage. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a casual walker, this trail promises an enriching experience, blending breathtaking landscapes with a touch of Cretan history.


Remember to carry water, wear appropriate footwear, and respect the natural environment. This hike is a chance to connect with nature, history, and yourself.

Location of Agia Irini to Omalos path